Top-5 Riveting Alternatives to Dead Space (2023)

  • 15-02-2024 |
  • Daniella Sanchez

If you are a fan of the horror-action genre, chances are that you're already familiar with the thrilling game series Dead Space. The release in 2023 has sparked excitement among many gamers. However, if you're looking for other games that offer similar chilling ambiance and high-stakes action while waiting for its release, then this article is for you. Here's an exploration into the top five alternative games to Dead Space (2023) guaranteed to provide exhilarating experiences.

1. Alien: Isolation

Alien Isolation game

Alien: Isolation is a survival horror game experienced from a first-person perspective, masterfully crafted by Creative Assembly to evoke an atmosphere of suspense and tension comparable to that found in Dead Space.


The game delivers a true-to-life experience of surviving against all odds. Players control Amanda Ripley, who doesn't possess superior combat skills or abilities but relies on her wits to survive. She must navigate through various locations while avoiding, outsmarting and combating enemies using an array of tools found on her journey.

Story & Setting

Set 15 years after Ridley Scott’s original Alien movie, players take on the role of Amanda Ripley, daughter of Ellen Ripley. In a desperate mission to uncover the truth about her mother's disappearance, Amanda ends up in a desperate struggle for survival aboard Sevastopol Station - an environment filled with fear and suspense.

2. Soma

Soma, developed by Frictional Games – known for their expertise in creating immersive horror experiences – is another compelling alternative to Dead Space.


In Soma, players will find themselves exploring dark corridors and hiding from nightmarish entities. The game focuses less on combat and more on evasion and stealth. It also includes puzzle-solving elements, requiring the player to find items or manipulate the environment.

Story & Setting

The story unfolds in an underwater research facility known as PATHOS-II, where machines have begun to exhibit human characteristics. As protagonist Simon Jarrett, you uncover disturbing truths about the facility while dealing with existential themes.

3. The Evil Within

The Evil Within game

Helmed by Shinji Mikami, the mastermind behind the Resident Evil franchise, The Evil Within offers an intense third-person survival horror experience reminiscent of the thrills found in Dead Space.


Players navigate through horrifying locations filled with traps and monstrous beings. The game uses a dynamic progression system that allows players to customize their skills and playstyle. While ammo is scarce, inventive weapons can be crafted for combat.

Story & Setting

Playing as Detective Sebastian Castellanos, gamers are drawn into a distorted world filled with nightmarish locations and grotesque creatures after witnessing the slaughter of fellow police officers. As he delves deeper into this terrifying world, he unravels a complex mystery.

4. Outlast

Outlast by Red Barrels offers first-person survival horror at its finest and is definitely worth checking out for fans of Dead Space.


In Outlast, defenseless protagonist Miles Upshur must navigate through Mount Massive Asylum using just a camcorder. Without any means to fight back, players must rely on stealth tactics and quick thinking to avoid enemies.

Story & Setting

As investigative journalist Miles Upshur, players will delve deep into the heart of Mount Massive Asylum, an abandoned psychiatric hospital. In his pursuit of truth, Upshur finds himself trapped in a horrifying reality.

5. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

 Resident Evil 7 Biohazard gameplay

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard departs from previous titles in the series and presents a first-person survival horror experience that Dead Space fans would appreciate.


The game flawlessly combines combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving. Players must gather resources to fend off adversaries as they navigate through the neglected Baker mansion.

Story & Setting

The game follows Ethan Winters in his search for his missing wife, Mia, which leads him to a sinister plantation mansion in Dulvey, Louisiana. The unfolding narrative offers twists and turns that keep players gripped till the end.

In conclusion, these five games offer immersive experiences that are comparable to Dead Space’s tense atmosphere and engaging gameplay. Whether you’re navigating through Sevastopol Station or uncovering horrors at Mount Massive Asylum, these games are sure to keep your pulse racing until Dead Space (2023) hits the shelves.